The Conjugate Method: Enhanced Through the Research of Westside Barbell — Louie Simmons
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Louie Simmons had an unwavering mission to demystify The Conjugate Method. He wanted everyone to understand its value regardless of occupation or education level. Therefore this book contains easily accessible and digestible information on the Conjugate Method and how it applies to strength training for a wide range of sports.
It is a perfect read for those who want to learn the basics before diving head first into the world of Westside Barbell and its training philosophies.
Why should you use this system?
The Conjugate System makes it possible to train all aspects of athletic movements. It can be rotating large and small exercises, volume, intensities, velocities, or GPP aerobic and anaerobic capabilities.
It also covers all special strengths and endurances while the coach and athlete can work on sports-specific preparation (SSP) to improve the cardiovascular system.
One of the most significant benefits is avoiding the Law of Accommodation. The athlete experiences a decrease in all manner of training when they train with the same load of volume.
A reduction also occurs when the athlete trains at one intensity or trains using the same exercises over a long training cycle. Accommodation can also take place during the competitive season when using the same program repetitively. To see improvement, one must almost adapt to training but never fully adapt.
While the Conjugate System was employed to advance the training efforts of highly skilled athletes, the Westside Conjugate System was also introduced to its 12- and 14-year-old athletes with phenomenal results. But the system is most important to teach the highest degree of sports-specific technique. The technique must continuously be reinforced throughout the athlete's entire career.
About the Author
Louie Simmons owned Westside Barbell, the strongest powerlifting gym globally with 140 all-time world records. He founded the enterprise in 1986. He is one of only four men to Total Elite in five weight classes with two-hour weigh-ins ranging from the 181-pound class to the 275-pound class.
Louie earned a Top Ten ranking for 34 years from 1971 to 2005. Louie is known for three-week wave periodization. He also is credited with establishing Combinations of Resistance Methods using bands and chains in conjunction with the barbell, contrast methods, and plyometrics while utilizing the Conjugate System.

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